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For many years, I was working in fear, panic, anxiety, distress, self-doubt, just to name those negative vibes. I was sure it was not healthy to “work” like that, but I kept working hoping the situation would improve but it did not. In time, l came to realize that these negative vibes at work were not unique to me, most of my family, friends and colleagues also had similar experiences.

As a superior at work and an employer at my side business, no matter how civil and kind I was with my subordinates, I still found myself in a very displeased position with them. It often felt like I was not getting value for money. I am sure a lot of CEOs and Managers can relate to this. I have been in both positions, and I know how it feels.

 Myworkplacevibes believe strongly that as an employee, you can work without fear, self-doubt, anxiety or panic. Employers and Managers can also master the art of harnessing the best out of their employees or subordinates without being unprofessional. This social platform will support you, share tips and tricks, and also help you connect with people of like minds, it will be an avenue to motivate one another thus providing a platform for networking, mentorship, and development.

 I believe you have so much to gain, learn and unlearn by joining the myworkplacevibes family as you will experience a positive difference in your work life. We are passionate about supporting all parties at the workplace to feel safe, thrive and achieve career and entrepreneurial goals while maintaining only positive vibes at the workplace. 

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